My name is Sally Williams and I am the founder of the The Kind Mind Project.
I am a School Counsellor/Psychologist as well as wife and mum of 2 girls.

I have always loved journals, diaries, notebooks- stationery in general!
The three products we have available have all been designed as a result of my own personal and professional experience with children and my interest in getting families communicating as well as introducing techniques from positive psychology (gratitude) to children from a young age.

A few years ago I started the practise of using a Gratitude Journal realised how beneficial it was to my life. I found that it reminded me about how lucky I am as well as what is important to me. Research has shown that the practise of gratitude has so many benefits including:

  • Greater well-being and satisfaction with your life,

  • Higher quality relationships,

  • Better physical health,

  • Makes you more helpful, generous and compassionate and

  • Can even reduce the symptoms of depression

About 5 years ago I started using a Gratitude Journal with my then 3 year old daughter. We would talk just before she was going to bed about her favourite parts of her day and I would write them down and often go back and read past entries and reminisce about those times.

In my role as a School Counsellor I have used Gratitude Journals and have seen first hand the positive effects the daily practise has on children. 

I hope you enjoy using my journals and talking wheels as much as I enjoyed designing them.

Love Sally x

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“Gratitude helps you to grow and expand; gratitude brings joy and laughter into your life and into the lives of all those around you.”
Eileen Caddy